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FMM Staff picks up SAINS ICT Media Awards

ICT Media Awards 2016

A staff and former staff of Faradale Media-M Sdn Bhd (FMM) picked up awards during the Sarawak Chief Minister’s ICT Media Competition on 15 January 2016.

Samson Tan, Events Executive at FMM won third place for the English category and former staff, Effa Edward Daung (right) picked up the second prize for the Bahasa Malaysia category for RAKAN Sarawak – a civil service quarterly magazine.

Both articles were published on the January-March issue of 2014, with the titles ‘CACTUS – Solution to better manage office correspondence’ and ‘Sistem Pendaftaran Kursus dan Daftar Perkahwinan Kini Dalam Talian’, respectively.

The first place for the English category went to Business writer of The Borneo Post, Yvonne Tuah with her article ‘Powering the digital wave’, while column contributor and Swinburne University of Technology lecturer Mujahid Tabassum won the second prize with the article ‘The rise of VoiP Technology’.

In the Bahasa Melayu category, first prize went to Haini Darani (Utusan Sarawak), and third prize to former Utusan Borneo reporter Hamimi Abu Kassim.

In the Chinese category, Jong Wan Joon from Sin Chew Daily bagged the first prize, while Jap Pei Ye from The Borneo Post’s sister paper See Hua Daily won both the second and third prizes.

The winners received their prizes from Chief Minister YAB Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem.

The Sarawak Chief Minister’s ICT Media Competition is organised by Sarawak Information Systems (SAINS) under the patronage of the chief minister. It is held to encourage journalists to report on ICT matters to help promote and educate the people of Sarawak on the importance and benefits of ICT usage.

The gathering also included the presentation of several awards to the winners of SAINS’ two other corporate social responsibility (CSR) competitions.