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FMM Wins Writing Awards

ICT Media Awards 2014
Seated: Safri Ali (front, third from right), Muhammad Fuad (front, fourth from right)

KUCHING: Two writers of Faradale Media-M Sdn Bhd picked up the Chief Minister’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Media Awards 2014 at the awards presentation ceremony held at a local hotel in Kuching, last night.

Muhammad Fuad Jobli and Safri Ali Othman scooped up the second and third prize respectively for the Bahasa Malaysia category, and were each awarded cash prizes and a certificate.

Both articles were published in a state government publication – RAKAN Sarawak – with the title ‘Cyber 999 – Laporan Insiden Keselamatan Siber Suku Kedua 2013’ (Muhammad Fuad) and ‘Pangkalan Data “Name & Shame” Ketelusan Kerajaan Bendung Amalan Rasuah’ (Safri Ali).

Under the patronage of the Chief Minister, the annual award is established to encourage journalists and writers to address information and communication technology (ICT) related topics and promote the usage of ICT, and awareness of its importance, for the socio-economic development of the state.

Divided into two categories, namely print media and broadcast media, entries were in English, Bahasa Melayu or Chinese. The entries are published articles or materials broadcasted over radio or television from January to December, last year. 12 cash prizes were awarded and the winners for each language category received cash prizes as well as certificates of recognition from Chief Minister YB Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji (Dr) Adenan Satem.

All entries were evaluated based on journalistic quality, communication impact and objectivity, must be in the form of either features, news articles, feature reporting or documentaries on ICT related subjects printed in either local newspapers or aired over local radio or television in the state by a licensed media organisation.

The event was held in conjunction with the opening of the SAINS (Sarawak Information Systems Sdn Bhd) CSR & Media Night which also saw the launch of the Infocast Kenyalang (iK) – “I Care About Sarawak” – a digital media channel which disseminates information on the latest updates on government projects, promotion of public programmes and services, open-to-public events, public service announcements, and other relevant information on Sarawak.