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‘Sarawakian unity a real treasure’






KUCHING: The unity of Sarawakians is a treasure that should be cherished, said ‘Heritage for Unity’ design competition winner Dayang Maani Zuriah Abang Othman, 20.

Dayang Maani won the first prize of RM10,000 for the Yayasan Perpaduan Sarawak (YPS) competition.

“Unity amongst Sarawakians is something not many places have. It is a shared treasure that we Sarawakians should cherish,” she said after the prize presentation ceremony yesterday.

Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, who is YPS Board of Trustees chairman, presented the prizes.

Dayang Maani, a Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus graphic design student, called on Sarawakians to “stay united, no matter what”.

Having lived in several places in and outside the state, she said there really isn’t any place like Sarawak.

On the competition, Dayang Maani said she always tries to do something new to improve her work.

“When I first found out about this competition, I knew I had to join it to see how far I could go with it. The thought of being able to represent the theme properly and winning this competition has greatly motivated me to continue to excel further in this field,” she said.

She thanked YPS for giving her the opportunity to learn so much.

“The competition not only helped me to explore my creative abilities but also become more appreciative towards Sarawak,” she added.

Her winning design features three different coloured balloons in one hand.

Balloons are objects usually associated with celebrations and their use serves to symbolise that unity is a precious heritage to be celebrated, while the colours signify the diversity of the state’s cultural heritage.

Meanwhile, SMK Green Road student Kelvin Tan, whose group won YPS’ ‘Smiles of Unity’ film competition with the short ‘School Life’, said it took eight days to complete the film last May at a cost of over RM100.

“I thought this would be a great opportunity for me and my group to remind everyone that we are very lucky to be living in Sarawak because of a multiracial society that gets to celebrate so many festivals each year,” he said.

“What we wanted to portray in our film is that we want to highlight the unity that we are enjoying in a multiracial and cultural society here besides promoting Sarawak.”

Tan directed the film, which also involved fellow Form 6 students Kartina Asrina Kamaruddin, Bong Chin Pok, Chua Tao Phiaw, Eshwari Priya Ravindra and Dideana Thompson.

He added that winning the RM11,000 first prize was “jaw-dropping!”

Tan advised aspiring filmmakers to give it their all as well as to be resourceful and creative.

“I will try something new and different in filmmaking. Yasmin Ahmad has inspired many through her heartwarming videos and I would like to be like her in the future.”

Tan added that he hoped to further his studies in mass communication with a major in advertising.

He also praised YPS for helping amateur filmmakers to get out of their “cocoons”, besides giving youths a chance to explore their hidden talents.

“This is an interesting and fun way to promote the meaning of unity among citizens of different races. Thank you for organising this programme,” he said.
