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Understanding Pet Obesity

art-489-01As cute as they can be when they are extra round, pets with obesity are actually in chronic pain

Like human beings, pets are susceptible to obesity. In a 2018 survey by the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention, an estimated 60 percent of cats and 56 percent of dogs in the United States were overweight or obese.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) notes that obesity in pets are primarily the result of overeating and low level of physical activity; in some cases, certain diseases can lead to obesity.

Pet obesity can cause serious health conditions in pets, and sometimes make existing ones worse. This not only reduces their life expectancy, compromises their welfare and decreases their quality of life, but also poses financial challenges for pet owners.

Such conditions include diabetes, heart disease, respiratory distress, high blood pressure, joint disease, liver disease and cancers – conditions that are largely preventable through proper measures to alleviate the pain.

Thus, pet owners need to manage their pets’ weight by maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercising to ensure that their furry friends are able to perform their natural behaviours and live long and healthy.

In particular, pet owners need to be very aware of any signs of obesity in their pets, such as body conditions (signs of excess fat or fat deposits around the body), lack of grooming, less mobility, and difficulty breathing.

They should also consult with a veterinarian if they have any concerns about their pets’ weight and overall well-being. For obese pets, a veterinarian can help develop a meal plan, as well as recommending a diet specifically for weight control.