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Society Capacity in Addressing Ageing Population Issues


We are ageing not just as individuals or communities but as a world. In 2006, almost 500 million people worldwide were 65 and older. By 2030, that total projected to increase to 1 billion.

With the number and proportion of older persons growing faster than any other age group, and in an increasing range of countries, there are concerns about the capacities of societies to address the challenges associated with this demographic shift.

Looking at both challenges and opportunities is the best way for success in an ageing world.

Population ageing presents challenges for governments and society, but need not recognise as a crisis. It can and should planned for to transform these challenges into opportunities.

Population ageing strains social, economic growth, trade, migration, disease patterns and prevalence and cultural challenges to individuals, families, societies and the global community.

The ageing population faces challenges in ensuring that their social, economic and health needs met.

The rising ageing population would have implications in areas such as health care, financial services, city planning and social services.

Increased longevity implies increased vulnerability to diseases and disabilities, with consequent increased costs and greater burdening of caring for the elderly by the individual, family and the society compared with the past.

A rise in the elderly population, if not matched by health improvements, will place ever-greater pressure on the public finances, as a smaller working-age population supports growing spending on health, social care and pensions.

To face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities resulting from population ageing must sustained by a strong political commitment and a solid data and knowledge base that ensure an effective integration of global ageing within the larger processes of development.

People everywhere must age with dignity and security, enjoying life through the full realisation of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.