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SOP Released by MBKS to celebrate Hungry Ghost Festival

art-379-01The Hungry Ghost Festival is celebrated on 19th August, Wednesday

The Kuching South City Council (MBKS) has issued the standard operating procedure (SOP) to celebrate the Hungry Ghost Festival this year.

Below are the guidelines issued by MBKS:

  1. Eating, drinking, socialising and physical contact are strictly prohibited.
  2. Visitors are also strongly advised against bringing children below 12 to the festivals
  3. SOP including temperature checking, provide hand sanitisers, wearing face masks and practising social distancing at all times must be observed.
  4. Event organisers are required to follow the one-metre social distancing rule and depending on the size of each premise, where only up to 250 people are allowed to enter the premises.
  5. Event organisers and participants, who consist mostly of charitable association members, temple organisations and houses of worship must inform MBKS of their activities, programmes, venues, date and time
  6. Application forms to obtain the permit to hold events are now obtainable at the MBKS office
  7. Participants were also encouraged to bring and use their own pen to fill up the attendance book