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Citizen Satisfaction Linked To Service Quality


Mutually citizen satisfaction with services rendered, fiscal health and young populations, citizen expectations of government services have been rising.

The institutional challenges faced are various; economic management, organisational efficiency, civil service capacity, the response to new, disruptive technologies and openness and transparency are among the major issues need to be addressed intensively.

For these reasons, upholding a citizen-centric approach should be the fundamental goal for government agendas.

Government become more citizen-centric when public decision-making framework that puts citizens at the centre where citizens’ wants and needs drive policy decisions and civil service provision.

Generally, a citizen-centric approach is where instead of the civil service second-guessing citizens, government consult citizens about their needs, and encourage their direct participation in policy making and service design and delivery.

High-quality service delivery relies on a thorough understanding of citizens’ expectations and experiences.

This approach will make civil service more efficient, effective, and transparent, which sequentially promote upsurge citizen satisfaction and trust in government.

Policy makers can also make civil services more citizen-centric by using data and information to better understand citizens’ needs, and to support civil servants identify possible accessibility gaps.

This make civil services more responsive, accessible and effective. Additionally, measuring citizen satisfaction and preferences, and gathering user feedback, can help civil servants monitor performance over time, improve service delivery, and assess the impact of reforms.

In the long run, the use of such information can lead to a citizen-centric provision of time and resources. Together, these approaches can improve citizen satisfaction with policy results and with the services they receive.

Citizen satisfaction is linked to service quality and direct experience of services and also enforced the idea whether citizens feel governments are fair stewards of limited resources and follow unbiased procedures.