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SOPs for Environment and Forestry Sectors in Sarawak during CMCO


Agencies, departments and organisations in the environment and forestry sectors are allowed to operate during the CMCO, in compliance with given SOPs

In reopening the economy gradually by implementing the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), the Sarawak Government has disseminated its list of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for various economic sectors in the State, including environment and forestry.

Agencies, departments and organisations in the environment sector that are to function during the CMCO are those involved in environmental regulation; compliance and enforcement; water quality and leachate monitoring; planning and development; and environmental education and publicity.

Meanwhile, those in the forestry sector include forest management; and research and forest development.

Both sectors are allowed to operate at 100 percent capacity from 8am to 5pm, with employees under these sectors permitted to work within these hours. This excludes those in forest management, who are allowed to work up to 24 hours.

All agencies, departments and organisations in these sectors, as well as other economic sectors, are advised to familiarise and adhere to the SOPs to ensure uninterrupted and effective operation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For details on these SOPs, visit the Ministry of Urban Development & Natural Resources Sarawak website at