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What is the New Normal After Covid-19?


The Covid-19 pandemic is changing the way we live such as working from home will be viewed as a new normal among people

The Movement Control Order (MCO) Phase Four is nearly coming to an end.

And while most are anxious to go back leading to normal lives, many wonders will we ever revert back to what normal was as pandemic has transformed the world both socially and economically.

But, probably one of the most obvious way the world is changing post Covid-19 is how we will greet each other. Instead of shaking hands or giving each other hugs, many will prefer to maintain social distancing to reduce the potential spread of the virus.

Mass gathering will probably be reduced and postponed as it increases the risk of transmitting of the virus particularly among the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions.

Another aspect that will change is communication in the working environment. Instead of face-to-face communication, virtual meetings, video conferences, email communication and social media will be the preferred method of communicating, thus giving the culture of working from home as a new normal.

This is viewed by many as effective curb the spread of the virus on public transport and public areas at certain peak hours.

For education, schools and higher education institution will push for e-learning and online training among students to ensure effective learning.

During this troubling time, we will also be seeing the rise of e-commerce. Many will depend on the cashless payment system, online shopping and service delivery as it allows social distancing among customers and retailers.