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Employee Emotional Intelligence and Work Quality Result and Productivity


According to Daniel Goleman in his book Working with Emotional Intelligence (1998), emotional intelligence is a trait that a person needs to succeed in a career.

Emotional intelligence not based on how smart an employee is but rather underlines the behavioural characteristics he owns.

Social and emotional skills are more important in the success of an employee’s life than mere intellectual abilities.

According to Daniel Goleman the intellectual level only contributes 20 percent compared with 80 percent emotional intelligence in deciding the success of an individual.

Daniel Goleman states that emotional intelligence is also closely related to the value of work held by a person and can have an impact on the work performance of the individual.

He also stresses that cognitive ability enables an individual to get a job. However, emotional ability also helps an individual to develop themselves while working in an organisation.

Among the characteristic of emotional intelligence that can develop an individual is optimism, awareness, motivation, empathy, and competence in social relationships.

Emotional intelligence is an incentive for employees to work towards achieving their life goals and goals.

Employees with high emotional intelligence will also strive to achieve their goals through vision, perseverance, and high spirits.

Having high emotional intelligence will help employees understand how and why they respond to certain situations in an organisation.

The role of emotional intelligence becomes more important as the higher the status or position of an individual in an organisation.

An individual will be able to place his emotions in the right position, have satisfaction and well-being in their lives if they have the ability to motivate themselves, resilience in the face of failure, control emotions, push themselves to satisfaction, and regulate their spiritual state.

Emotionally intelligent employees will influence their work performance and in turn be able to improve their group performance and organisational effectiveness.

Emotional intelligence leads to a collection of human natural skills and qualities known as subtle personal skills.

Emotional intelligence involves the existence of awareness of emotions and how emotions can affect and interact with other intelligences to achieve high performance in performing work.

Emotional intelligence can be developed throughout the life of the employee by learning through the process of learning and social experience.

Training is the best steps for the organisation to ensure that emotional intelligence can play an active role in contributing towards, improving an employee performances.

An organisation needs to carry out development of emotional intelligence through training that can form a solid understanding, appreciation, and practice to all levels of their members.

Emotionally developing emotional intelligence in an employee means they have great potential to enjoy success in the career they are aiming for.

This is because emotional intelligence becomes an added value in the workplace as it has implications towards work quality and productivity.

The success of an employee’s work has to do with their emotional intelligence which can influence improving discipline, mastery of mind, and motivation that drive self-productivity at work.