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Sense of Responsibility Elements Most Wanted by Employers


Responsibility is something (such as work or tasks) that must be done.

Each of us has a responsibility. An individual who is said to be responsible is an individual who performs well what has entrusted to him.

In an organisation, each of us who are its members given the responsibility to perform certain tasks to ensure the organisation can carry out its activities effectively and achieve the goals of its establishment.

An employee must give high concentration, interest, diligence and seriousness in carrying out what entrusted to him.

A sense of responsibility in performing tasks must be present in every employee.

A sense of responsibility is one of the most sought-after elements of an employer in an employee.

For profit-based organisations, of course, such organisations expect their employees to perform their duties efficiently and efficiently to ensure that their operating costs are at a minimum which then allows gaining a maximum profit.

As for public organisations (civil service), of course, high expectations placed on each of its members to serve with full dedication and responsibility.

This is because, the civil service is an organisation that looks after the public interest. Therefore, everything that planned, implemented and spent must consider the needs of the community and will provide the greatest benefits that channelled to or enjoyed by the community.

Therefore, it is necessary for every member of the public service to carry out his duties with a full sense of responsibility to ensure the public interest not sidelined.

Civil servant that dedicated and responsible will be able to be a catalyst and facilitator in the planning and development (physical, social and economic) of a country.

Having dedicated and responsible members of the civil service will increase the confidence of the community because we (members of the community) believe that our interests safeguarded and our chances living in peace and prosperity not affected.

A sense of accountability will be the impetus for an employee to strive to perform the duties entrusted to him by the organisation with integrity.

Employees with integrity are not difficult to adapt to an excellent work culture in their organisation.

Why should this stressed? This is important because without it, there would be no functional organisation.

This is because of course no one wants to deal or do business with an organisation that is unethical, deceptive or oppressive.

An employee with integrity will act and decide based on the best moral principles and ethics for the benefit of the organisation.