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Taking responsibility for failure

art-504-01Being responsible at the workplace also means not fearing to take responsibility for failures and being accountable

When it comes to facing failure, there are two kinds of people.

Those who are quick to shift blame at others for what went wrong and those who readily admit their faults.

Admitting to a problem or issue has never been easy, and in many organizations or company, nobody wants to take responsibility for fear of being punished.

Typically, when things do go right, people will usually want to talk about it.

But, when there is a culture of fear of failure in an organization, people lose out on the chance to learn how a problem happened and how to avoid it happening again.

So, after admitting to a failure, one should also analyse what went wrong, which will help them figure out how to avoid it next time.

For those taking the role of leadership, taking responsibility is sending a clear signal to their subordinates.

Leaders who takes responsibility means they are aware of the situation and are doing everything they can to fix the issue.

Meanwhile, those who blame external factors gives and impression that they are not in control.

So, instead of blaming other and take responsibility for failures, this will breed loyalty among your followers or employees.

This is also mean that you are setting a clear standard of how you are expecting your employees to perform while at work.

Upon handing them their duties which are ultimately their responsibility, you are expecting them to complete the tasks when due.

Those who demonstrate accountability will not place blame on others for the project’s failure and will try their hardest to be responsible upon completing the tasks that are given to them.