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How virtual learning is shaping today’s education

art-480-01As the world is entering the age of Internet of Things (IoT), virtual and distance learning has become inevitable and is shaping the education system worldwide

Generation Z are those aged between six to 18 years old and is the only generation that has not live without the presence of technology.

Technology plays a huge part of their life and it has shaped many on how they are educated today.

While it is true that more focus is given to enhance students’ digital competencies, today’s education system is also emphasising on developing ‘human’ skills.

On future workforce, reports by World Economic Forum stated that 65 per cent of primary school children today will be working in job types that do not exist yet.

As new industries are created to replace traditional industries, the youths will constantly be facing uncertainties and non-techno ‘human’ skills will become foundational as automation is becoming more mainstream.

For students as future employers, virtual classroom and distance learning has prepare students to be highly organized, emotionally intelligence and self-discipline which are needed for modern careers.

This is particularly important for those who might be working remotely in the future with geographically dispersed, virtual teams.

To compensate for logistic challenges, they will have to know how to collaborate efficiently, conduct online research and analysis, use technological resources.

As they will also need to conduct virtual presentation from time to time, they will need to hone their communication and presentation skills, seek continuing education, exercise emotional intelligence, and become more self-motivated and proactive.

Aside from students, virtual learning is also shaping the role of educators.

Online learning has helped education become more accessible to all and the role of educators in imparting knowledge that changed.

As online education is also about self-learn, students can gain access to knowledge and even learn a technical skill just through the click of their fingertips.

Hence, the main role of educators may have to shift in facilitating the development and shaping the thoughts and mind of students in contributing to the society.

However, while most part of the world has mad progress in providing basic education to their citizens, there are still remote areas where the students do not have access to education, let alone virtual learning.

This require for more educational innovation to deliver quality education for students all over the world.