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WHO calls for protecting and preserving nature for a healthy Covid-19 recovery

art-409-01Under the manifesto for a healthy recovery from Covid-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) calls for protecting and preserving nature

Human impacts and activities on the environment have increase the risk of emerging infectious diseases in human, which most originate from the wildlife.

These activities may include deforestation, to intensive and polluting agricultural practices, to unsafe management and consumption of wildlife.

The World Health Organization (WHO) manifesto calls for protecting and preserving nature.

Among the actionable or actions recommended by WHO to achieve a healthier environment includes incorporating biodiversity values, ecosystem protection and the ‘value of nature’ into national and regional policies, strategies and programmes, including in public health policies and in national accounting and reporting systems.

To protect biological diversity, it is also recommended to avoid ecosystem loss and degradation and promote ecosystem integrity and resilience and protection of limiting or control human-wildlife contact to reduce the risk of infectious diseases, including zoonotic and vector-borne diseases.

Other actionable by WHO also includes promoting agrobiodiversity and the use of integrated pest management to reduce the need for chemical pesticides and herbicides.

WHO published a manifesto highlighting six steps to take for a healthy recovery from Covis-19 to create a healthier, fairer and greener world while investing to maintain and resuscitating the economy hit by the effects of COVID-19.

They are; protect and preserve the source of human health which is nature, invest in essential services, from water and sanitation to clean energy in healthcare facilities, ensure a quick healthy energy transition, promote healthy, sustainable food systems, build healthy, liveable cities and stop using taxpayer’s money to fund pollution.