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Youth Are a Strong Resource to Our Nation


One of the most crucial players in building a civil society is the youth. It estimated that young people account for one-third of the world’s population.

The young people are the most energetic, creative, innovative, strong; and significantly instrumental in the growth progression and development of any community, nation, state or society.

A rough calculation based on the most current breakdown of population data (as at mid-2018) available from the Department of Statistics shows that about 14 million out of Malaysia’s 32.4 million population are aged between 15 and 40.

It is by far no doubt the youth comprise the biggest percentage of the global population, with productivity abilities to keep economies; they are energetic, innovative and with insatiable need to discover new ways of solving critical challenges. The youth are a strong resource to our nation.

Youth around the world branded as the “Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Wareen Buffet of tomorrow” because of their innovativeness.

Youth owned businesses are coming up each day, all in a bid to fight the challenge of youth unemployment. From street selling to apps development, to enterprise set-ups, the youth have proved that they are the next business moguls in entrepreneurship.

This potential of the youth is however less exploited. It is common to find leaders denying youth the chance to take part in decision making.

This denies these youth the chance to deliberate on key issues affecting them and the country as a whole.

Those who get the chance to air out their views don’t get consideration when final implementation of decisions made.

With less involvement in decision making, many youth have resorted to unproductive conduct where they feel recognised, leaving other key economic quarter with no workforce.

A society that denies its youths in the growth and developmental progression does so at its own risk. Thriving societies understand that through the creativity, energy, resourcefulness, character, positivism and intelligence of the 21st century youth, the pace of development and transformation of a society skyrocket.

Young people must given a seat at the decision making scopes of policy and governance. A world shaped for young people without youth involvement and consultation is a futile effort.