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Knowledge-Sharing Key for Organisation Remains Sustainable


In carrying out a development plan, of course we will face various challenges and obstacles, but the solutions to them usually remain localised.

In many condition, we do not realise that and might overlook or the key item forgotten. Nevertheless some agencies and some localities are more effective at learning from success and applying it further overtime and space.

This circumstances occurs because knowledge. Captured knowledge gained in a specific local context that adapted, scaled up, and reproduced.

Knowledge sharing is the channel through which solutions travel from place A to place B.

Often to a certain extent it documented and shared but solutions simply left behind.  It hidden in remote rural communities or tucked away in the heads of officials and development practitioners who have moved on to the next big task.

Knowledge gained from development result is permanently at risk of getting lost or forgotten.

That being said, what is knowledge sharing?

Knowledge sharing means an action through which knowledge (information, skills, or expertise) exchanged among other colleagues, friends, families, or organisations.

Knowledge goes beyond just consuming information. Knowledge is about the how and why, plus the full experience behind something.

In an organisation, knowledge gone well beyond just up-to-date, as knowledge sharing helps ensure more employees become experts and armed with more than the basics.

A knowledge-sharing organisation systematically learns from its mistakes and builds on its successes.

Knowledge-sharing organisations not born, they are made.

They must decide to overcome natural barriers to knowledge sharing.

Becoming a knowledge-sharing organisation needs leadership that encourages needed changes in culture, provides helpful governance outline and financing, and encourages external partnerships, all to develop the disciplined practice of knowledge capture, learning, and sharing.

Those organisational features form the enabling environment within which organisations develop the technical skills needed for effective knowledge sharing.