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Introducing New Approaches to Provide Quality Public

Innovative idea in businessman hand concept design.


Innovation is of growing importance for governments and public service organisations globally.

In recent years public sector innovation has been a hot topic in government circles.

Today the public sector and the services it provides confronted by increasing demands, how to manage the complex issues of demographic and climate change and how to respond to the diverse needs of its population.

Innovation provides a way to be more responsive to change, and to respond to the future rather than the past.  Innovation is not just an idea, but has to be implemented.

Governments around the world are looking for innovative solutions that improve the design and delivery of public services. They are reaching out to the private sector and citizens, to become partners in solving key social challenges.

These challenges are acting as a brake on sustainable economic growth. It led to inequality and instability in society. This also impinging on the general well-being of the population.

Existing ways of developing solutions will not be enough in meeting new and challenges. Responses that go beyond incremental improvements needed.  Innovation in government needed just to keep up with the pace of change and especially to stay ahead of it.

Public service organisations must be innovative if they are to meet expectations, reimaging the public’s experience of interacting with government, and eventually to build trust.

Policy created by itself from the public, or service models that feel bureaucratic, won’t cut it any more.

Innovations are creating public services more tailored to users’ specific needs and behaviours. Services provided more flexibly to meet citizens’ needs, while public policies and messages adapted to respond to user behaviours.

Using creativity in the public sector needs developing knowledge of what creates successful innovations. This is where the mechanics of change and its enabling causes understood.  It must alongside with an understanding of the particular challenges faced by the public sector, and the needs and preferences of its users.