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Celebrating Sarawak Day 2020 in the New Norm

Art-285-02-15072020This year’s Sarawak Day 2020 celebration will be held at an indoor space in Miri on 22nd July and will be broadcast live to the public audience through various channels. Present during the press conference was Assistant Minister for Women, Family and Child Development, YB Rosey binti Haji Yunus (left); Minister for Transport, YB Datuk Lee Kim Shin and Assistant Minister for Local Government, YB Datu Dr Pengguang Manggil

art-285-01Miri City view at night

Due to the global issue of the Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s Sarawak Day celebration will be held differently compare to previous years.

“The Sarawak Day 2020 Celebration will show virtual performances and broadcast live through various channels such as TV3, UKAS, tvSarawak, Sarawak Event Channel, Astro Awani and Facebook Live on 22nd July 2020 at 9.00 pm,” said Sarawak Minister for Transport, YB Datuk Lee Kim Shin.

During a press conference on 15th July, YB Datuk Lee who is the minister in charge of the Sarawak Day celebration said that this year, the event will be held at Hotel Pullman in Miri on the 22nd July.

“Our fight against Covid-19 is not over yet, so we all have to continue to be vigilant and this year we will celebrate Sarawak Day it in a new normal,” he said.

He added that in line with the ‘new normal’, the celebration needs to adhere to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO), so the event will have a limited number of guests of only 250 people invited through special invitation.

While members of the public are not allowed to physically join in the celebration, YB Datuk Lee added that the State Protocol and Event Management Unit (UPPAN), as the main organiser has arranged various digital platforms to livestream the event on the day itself.

With the theme ‘Sarawak Cemerlang’, YB Datuk Lee said that the Sarawak Day 2020 celebration is a platform to convey the message of progress, development and unity of the state as it moves towards becoming a high-income state by 2030.