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Connected Government Minimize Duplication


Challenges deceptively simple, addressing them is not.

Governments in this era are undertaking aspirant reforms to transmute their services and are moving toward the concept of service delivery integration as a means of improving the capacity and effectiveness of their social support systems.

Public service integration strategy has emerged as a result of the connected government model (Al-Husban et al, 2012).

Integrating public services at national and local levels offers the potential for substantial cost saving and service improvements (Brown et al, 2011).

Public/civil services are traditionally delivered through a large number of government agencies via programs that are not connected with each other.

Many times, these programs are delivered by different levels of government, usually with different qualification needs for service recipients.

There are two main drivers pushing towards integrating citizen oriented services delivery across the different level of government.

The first is the citizen-centric approach towards public service delivery, as governments such as Australia, Canada and UK have recently experienced better services uptake level and more efficient internal services integration. (Reddick et al, 2012).

The second driver is the present implementation of shared networks by e-government initiatives to conjoin with private sector, which in its turn has intensely improved effectiveness and efficiency across organisational.

E-government projects have succeeded when they have been planned and designed around the needs and requirements of business and citizen, and that can only be comprehended by the wide back office integration between government departments, in order to elude redundancy when interacting with various government departments.

Successful e-governments are those  achieving  multiple  values  like  efficiency  in  administration, innovation in organization, effectiveness of public services, transparency, enhancement of economic development, improvement of service delivery, redefining of communities and strengthening democracy through citizens’ empowerment and participation, improvement of policy formulation and global inter-connectivity.