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Minimizing physical contact in crowded spaces during Covid-19

Art-244-01-02072020Members of the public are reminded to stay vigilant and try to minimize physical contact when carrying out their daily activities in public spaces

Since the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) has been implemented, the government is easing some of the restriction for more sectors to resume business as usual.

However, members of the public are still reminded to stay vigilant and try to avoid physical contact when carrying out their daily activities in public spaces.

While in public spaces, physical contact is inevitable but there are several safety tips that the people can adopt to stay safe.

For example, in the bank, try to avoid physical meetings but instead adopt virtual meetings or talking from the phone.

For transaction, do try to go cashless by using mobile banking apps.

However, if you do need to physically be at any public area, do adhere to their safety measures by practicing social distancing and use the hand sanitiser that is provided at the place.

Here, certain premises have a strict rule of having a certain number of people entering their premises at a time.

Upon reaching home from any public space, wash your hand with water and soap.

Apart from public spaces, members of the public should also be mindful of physical contact with non-family members while at home.

For instance, when conducting payment when accepting deliveries at home, try to have a much minimum contact as possible with the delivery riders and service providers.

When accepting deliveries at home, the public is encouraged to pay online or use e-wallet when making purchases.

Good hygiene practice is also a must when accepting parcels. After receiving a parcel or package, immediately wash your hand with soap and water or hand sanitiser.