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MOH Forecasts Second Wave of Dengue Infection Nationwide

art-211-01-15062020The Ministry of Health expects a spike in dengue-related cases from June to September 2020

From June to September this year, a second wave of dengue cases is expected to hit Malaysia, based on the trend of the infection in the country over the past five years as observed by the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Its director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah explained in a daily press briefing last week that dengue cases have been on the rise by an average of eight percent per week for the last six weeks.

This is despite an 11-percent decrease in the number of cases recorded from January to 6 June in 2019 and 2020 – from 54,524 cases in 2019 to 48,584 cases in 2020.

In the same period, 84 dengue-related deaths were reported this year compared to 83 last year. Out of these 84 cases, 11 percent were due to delay in treatment seeking.

Datuk Dr Noor Hisham believed that many premises that were closed throughout the Movement Control Order were at risk at becoming breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes (the carrier for dengue fever), particularly in places where water stagnates.

He therefore advised premise owners to conduct larviciding before reopening their businesses during the Recovery Movement Control Order and ensure overall cleanliness at all times. He also reminded the public to maintain hygiene within their surroundings.

“Our efforts to eradicate Aedes mosquitoes and dengue fever are our responsibilities, just as how we have worked together to stem the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak,” he said.

According to MOH, Malaysia recorded 130,101 dengue cases and 182 deaths in 2019 – an increase by 61 percent and 24 percent, respectively, from 80,615 cases and 147 deaths in 2018.