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Effectively Handling Customers Complains


There are organisations that welcome complaints because complaints are customer feedback which can be used to improve service performance/reduce cost, thus improving the bottom line. They make it easy for customers to complain even encourage complaints, and then they set things right and make changes so that future customers do not experience similar problems.

Effectively handling customers with problems is critical.  When customers complain and they are satisfied with the way their complaint is handled, they are more likely to purchase another product or service from the same organisation.

Organisation that resolve complaints on the first contact increase customer satisfaction and product loyalty, improve employee satisfaction, and reduce costs.

By making it easy for customers to complain, more customers will come with their problems, giving greater opportunity to correct the service delivery or production processes.

Studies have shown that handling customer complaints well can be a critical part of a turnaround strategy.

There is a bottom-line concern for government as well. Complaints can be costly. Repeated hand-offs increase costs and waste precious resources. When complaints are not promptly resolved, frustrated customers seek redress in different agencies or at different parts or levels of the same agency, resulting in duplicate effort and compounding costs.

Just as costs compound when there is a poor complaint system, trust also erodes as citizens become frustrated with a non-responsive bureaucracy. Indeed, there has been a cumulative erosion of public confidence in government.