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We Are Not the Problem, We Are the Solution


These days, organisations realise that complaints provide an invaluable means of transforming the quality efficiency of their service.

In reality to complain is to state one’s rights; to stand up for one’s self and not be ripped off or taken advantage of.

If nobody complains about substandard products and services then nothing will change.

A complaint provides an unbiased and honest comment on a flaw in organisation service or product at no cost.

This is why many forward thinking organisations are not only welcome to receive complaints, but are actively encouraging them.

Without complaints, the organization will not have sufficient knowledge about how many customers are dissatisfied and why and without these customer perception insight, the organization cannot react in time.

If we think carefully and positive, the complaint is not complaining about us, it is a notation expressing the dissatisfaction to us.  We are not the problem, we are the solution.

Once we understand the root cause of the complaint, we have the opportunity to implement changes that could avoid a reoccurrence of the problem. By addressing it systematically and properly this will be our opportunity to increase customer satisfaction at an exponential rate.