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Addressing the Issue of Teenage Pregnancy in Sarawak


According to YB Dato Sri Hajah Fatimah Abdullah, among the main factor for causing teenage pregnancy is underage marriage

A total of 1,967 teenage pregnancies was recorded by the Sarawak State Health Department in the State in 2019.

It was reported last year that the One Stop Teen Pregnancy Committee (OSTPC) has identified several factors which contributed to the increasing number of teen pregnancies in Sarawak.

According to Welfare, Community Well-being, Women, Family and Childhood Development Minister YB Dato Sri Hajah Fatimah Abdullah who is also the OSTPC chairman, among the main factor of teenage pregnancy is underage marriage.

However, she added that, the statistics are not clear.

Other factors include school dropouts, repeated cases of teenage pregnancy, sexual assaults and socio-economic where poverty affects the teenagers’ chances in getting education.

According to the Majlis Pembangunan Sosial Facebook page, those dealing with teenage pregnancy may seek help by contacting Talian Kasih Hotline 15999 or Sarawak Social Welfare Department Hotline at 082-514141/082-443194 or 082-449577.

They may also seek treatment or check-up at Klinik Kesihatan or the nearest government hospital.

In addition, they may also seek help and support from the nearest Pejabat Kebajikan Masyarakat Bahagian/Daerah.

Apart from that, they may also seek protection at Rumah Perlindungan Kanak-kanak dan Remaja Luar Nikah.