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Integrity System Plays a Major Role in Ensuring Accountability and Transparency


Globally, Civil Service are now under  pressure  to  vindicate  the  sources  and  consumptions  of  public  resources  as  well  as  improving  the  performance  in  their  services delivery.

To  ensure  good  governance,  understanding  the  way  to  improve  accountability  in  civil service is  very  essential.

In  administration,  it  is  important  to  have good  governance  principles to improve the citizens’ trust and the legitimacy  of  the  politico-administrative  system.

The  concept  of  good  governance  is  a  value-loaded  concept,  recommending  an  ideal  of  administrative  behaviour, and rejecting behaviour that is unethical or questionable.

Accountability  is  always  related  to  good  governance  that  implies  public  organisations  which  conduct  public  matters, manage public funds and guarantee the realization of human rights in a way fundamentally free from abuse and corruption, as well as obeying the rule of law.

The term of public sector accountability usually relates to the relationship between the politicians and citizens as well as public managers.

The  concept  of  accountability  has  been  developing  and  increase  to  a  broader  concept  of  integrated  financial  management  and  stewardship  over  the  effective  and  efficient  use  of  financial  and  other  resources  in  all  areas  of  government  operations.

According to Mutula & Wamukoya (2009), government ultimate aim is to safeguard the public interest through an efficient and effective governance system that enhances protection of rights, demonstrates accountability and integrity in their daily activities and also its public officers.

Strong point of integrity is indicated by good balance between external demand values, and perceived needs, rooted from culture that takes external performance responsibilities especially to the public which lead to accountability.

Integrity stimulates employees to comply and helps to instil values that support a commitment to ethical conduct. Therefore, integrity system is very important to play a major role in ensuring accountability and transparency within the organisation.