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Utilising Hyperspectral Sensor for Sustainable Forest Management


A hyperspectral sensor. Some models can be mounted on a fixed wing aircraft or a helicopter

Forest Department Sarawak (FDS) have been taking full advantage of the latest technology to sustainably manage Sarawak’s forests and their resources.

One of the most vital is the hyperspectral sensor, a sensing technology that produces high-resolution images containing electromagnetic spectrum upon gathering and processing information that it has acquired in an area or an object.

Through the spectrum in these images, users can identify materials, find objects and detect activities. This explains why the hyperspectral sensor has be utilised in wide-ranging areas including agriculture, geosciences and surveillance.

The hyperspectral sensor used by FDS is mounted on a fixed wing aircraft or a helicopter for use in aerial monitoring, surveillance and reconnaissance, thus providing the convenience the department need for survey works or detection and mapping of illegal logging activities.

The department also applies the sensing technology on forest plantation mapping to monitor planting progress and health status of planted trees, as well as compositions of Sarawak’s forests to identify and collect data on biochemical and biophysical properties of various tree species.