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Innovation Drives Civil Service Reform


Enhancement in the civil service delivery and development of citizen centric government models has been one of the main concern of many countries across the globe.

Civil Service all over the world are using different methods to improve their service delivery.

Given the speed and scope of change, civil service cannot remain the same. It has to change and innovate just to keep pace with events or it would find itself failing further expectations and its performance deemed more and more disappointing.

The shifting role of the civil service from the provider of tangible services to intangible services is putting additional pressures on the civil service to innovate.

Innovation is all about a creative idea and its implementation. It can be understood as the act of comprehending and executing a new way of reaching a desired result.  Innovation is about the creation of new knowledge, and the use of that knowledge.

An innovation may involve the combination of new elements, a new blend of existing elements or a substantial change or withdrawal from the traditional way of doing things.

This involves new ways of management to effectively promote and respond to the broad range of public interest in a unified and clear manner.

Reform and restructuring are needed to enable civil servants to effectively manage these changes and pressures.

An effective, responsive and accountable civil service plays an important role in poverty reduction and over all development.