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Adjusting Life Digitally


Digitalisation potentially to improve productivity growth and economic competitiveness.

Digitalisation has important offer for developing countries’ growth prospects and productivity. It exploiting economies of scale and network affects, it raises the yield of labour and capital and simplifying access to global value chains.

The digital economy has infuse multiple feature of modern life, including retail, transportation, education and agriculture, and benefits consumers, businesses and governments.

The digital economy also contributes to greater totting up by lowering business deal costs and addressing information asymmetries associated with certain actions like access to finance.

Digital technologies are spreading throughout the world at a faster pace than previous waves of technological innovation, and are re-shaping consumer behaviour, social interaction, business models and governments.

Despite the clear benefits of the digital economy, potential drawbacks also exist.

A serious risk is unfolding of a growing digital divide between developed and emerging economies as well as within emerging countries between cities and rural areas and between educated and non-educated.

The development of digital life brings several negative impacts with it. All the information can cause inattentive behaviour, which affects the personal life in many aspects, whether it is studies or friendship. A negative result of our digital life is the information overload.