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Have You Heard of the QMUNITY app?


Members of the public can scan the OR code to the app at various places under MBKS jurisdiction

Kuchingites can play their part in preventing the spread of Covid-19 within their community by downloading the QMUNITY mobile app.

The QMUNITY app is a location tracking app to assist the authorities in tracking movements of people for contact tracing during the Covid-19 pandemic.

It was developed by the Kuching South City Council (MBKS) in partnership between MBKS and JT Utama Sdn Bhd as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR).

By using this app, the location history of a person can be tracked and contacted in case of an emergency.

As of now, the QMUNITY app has been used at markets under the MBKS jurisdiction such as the Stutong Community Market and Kenyalang Market.

Premise owners can register by emailing to and print out a copy of the eUser Guide and QR code generated which can be paste at their premises.

Visitors to the market have to register themselves by scanning the QR code to the app and enter their personal information such as name and MyKad number.

Upon successful registration, users can check in and the location history will be recorded. User may also browse their location history, the latest updates on Covid-19 as well as emergency contacts in the apps.

The data collected from the app will also help identify high-risk areas and the number of visitors at certain places.