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Sarawak Prioritising Environmental Sustainability in Economic Recovery Post COVID-19


Sarawak Government is prioritising environmental sustainability, including the use of renewable energy such as hydropower to enhance economic recovery post COVID-19

As part of its post COVID-19 exit economic strategy up to 2030, Sarawak is anchoring on two core principles to enhance its economic, social and governance sectors; one of which is environmental sustainability.

“Sustainable environment will feature prominently in our future development plan. We will ensure that Sarawak achieve a clean, healthy, and resilient environment for the current and future generations,” said Chief Minister YAB Datuk Patinggi Dr Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg during a special press conference on 6th May 2020.

Among the main sectors outlined in the exit economic strategy that are relevant to this core principle are ‘Regreening Sarawak through Aggressive Industrial Forest Plantations’ and ‘Renewable Energy – Fuel of the Future’.

Under ‘Regreening Sarawak through Aggressive Industrial Forest Plantations’, the Sarawak Government will prioritise sustainable forest management through co-operations between the government, businesses and the community.

Key initiatives include aggressive industrial forest plantations, reforestation of degraded areas, and international certification of forest management practices.

“This effort will help preserve and conserve our forest for the future and generate revenue for Sarawak,” the Chief Minister elaborated, adding that it will boost Sarawak’s global recognition as a valuable contributor to the UN Sustainable Development Goals’ decarbonisation efforts.

In relation, under ‘Renewable Energy – Fuel of the Future’, the Chief Minister explained that the Government will encourage the use of renewable energy sources such as hydropower, hydrogen, solar, biomass and biogas for electricity generation to achieve a balanced energy mix and reduce carbon emission.