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Private Veterinary Clinics to be Operated by Appointment Only

A cat, that is not eating or drinking, is looked over at the clinic at the San Diego Humane Society on April 21, 2020. - Two cats in New York have become the first pets in the US to test positive for the new coronavirus, officials said April 22. The cats live in separate areas of New York state, America's COVID-19 epicenter, the Department of Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a joint statement. (Photo by ARIANA DREHSLER / AFP)

Veterinary clinics are allowed to be opened, but only for appointment-based services

The Malaysian Government has agreed to allow private veterinary clinics to operate during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period, but only for appointment-based services.

Senior Minister (Security Cluster) YB Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob added that the decision was made following inquiries from the public especially pet owners who are unable to send their pets for treatment as some clinics were closed during the MCO.

“Pet owners can contact their nearest veterinary clinic to set an appointment date prior to their visit to avoid overcrowding at the clinic,” he said during a daily press conference.

For a list of veterinary clinics that are operational during the MCO, visit the Malaysian Small Animal Veterinary Association website (

Veterinary Association Malaysia advises those making appointments with their veterinary practice to confirm the veterinary services provided by the practice.

Additionally, the Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation (MNAWF) informs pet owners to abide by special procedures that are in place by the veterinary clinic during their visit.