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Sarawak Youth Index

art 101-01

The Survey of “Sarawak Youth Index” was conducted to measure the quality and social well-being of Sarawak youths and would facilitate the State government in planning and implementing various development programmes involving the youths

The Survey of “Sarawak Youth Index” was conducted to measure the quality and social well-being of Sarawak youths.

The study covers 12 domains namely self-development, social relations, identity, self-potential, health, education, economics, security, political socialisation, media penetration, leisure, and deviant behaviours.

According to Sarawak Minister of Youth and Sports, YB Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, the data or findings, recommendations and proposal will be used as inputs and indicators would facilitate the State government in planning and implementing various development programmes involving the youths.

Among the core programs which has been organised by the Youth and Sports Ministry includes Jelajah Belia Sarawak, Youth Transformation Program, Youth Leadership Program, Youth Fun Run, Junior and Senior Youth Camps, Communication Skills Workshop and Kursus Keusahawanan Belia.

The study was conducted by the Institute for Youth Research Malaysia (IYRES) in 2018.

It was completed in January 2019 covering over 13,000 respondents aged 15 to 30 years old in all 40 districts in Sarawak.

Sarawak is the third state after Sabah and Johor to have the study done by IYRES, an agency under the federal Youth and Sports Ministry.