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Efficiency and Effectiveness Key of a Good Governance

art 96-01

Efficiency can be achieved under the conditions of maximizing the results of an action in relation to the resources used, and it is calculated by comparing the effects obtained in their efforts

The efficiency is provided by the relationship between the effects, or outputs and efforts or inputs. The relationship is apparently simple, but practice often proves the contrary.

Efficiency is an imperative requirement for development, with civil service being responsible for providing efficiently and equitably the public goods and services needed for citizens for sustainable economic development.

The efficiency in the public sector could be compared with that obtained in the private sector only when the objectives are identical; and even in this case it’s not fully comparable because the public sector develops complex projects, which take into account not only the economic benefits but also social problems.

Peter Drucker believes that there is no efficiency without effectiveness, because it is more important to do well what you have proposed (the effectiveness) than do well something else that was not necessarily concerned (Drucker, 2001, p.147).

Efficiency and effectiveness in the public sector means considering an assembly of conditions concerning the competence, organization, assuming responsibilities, governmental transparency, citizen participation in decision-making on certain common issues, of public interest, efficient allocation of public resources, democratic governance.

This depends on the quality and efficiency of civil servants, on the quality of administrative act, conditioned in turn, by the qualification of the staff in the administration.

The efficiency and effectiveness are key features of a good governance, with the public sector being responsible for finding ways to make the best use of resources to ensure the population needs coverage, in the best conditions.