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Improving effectiveness of KEJARA in Sarawak

IMG_2996-1_0Sarawak may provide suggestions or proposals for the Driver Demerit Points System (KEJARA) so that it can be designed to better suit the conditions in the State, according to Deputy Chief Minister YB Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Masing.

“The demerit system has been implemented in many countries, where different levels of emphasis are given to different offences.

“In short, the demerit system is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’, and is designed to suit the people and places where they are to be implemented. The same applies to Sarawak,” said YB Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James, who is also Infrastructure Development and Transportation Minister, in his winding-up speech during the First Meeting of the Second Term of the 18th State Legislative Assembly, on 19th May.

One suggestion for KEJARA that Sarawak may put up to Ministry of Transport Malaysia is temporary driving suspensions for offenders caught driving under the influence of alcohol for a number of times.

The Minister believed drunk driving is quite rampant in Sarawak and as such the present 15-demerit point deduction for driving under influence of alcohol (DUI) may be insufficient as a deterrent.

Infrastructure Development and Transportation Ministry may also propose ‘area based’ demerits, rather than deducting points based on speed alone.

For example, drivers who do not follow the speed limits around school areas and hospitals may face heavier penalties and demerits.

The Minister however acknowledged that as readjustments are being made to KEJARA to better suit Sarawak, there is also a need to appraise the infrastructural and ICT support needed to allow the system to be implemented in a more effective and efficient manner.

“For example, instead of installing cameras that capture only vehicle registration numbers, we perhaps need to look at cameras that can capture drivers’ faces, as well.

“This will reduce disputes and make demerit points more implementable and effective.”

Apart from that, the Infrastructure Development and Transportation Ministry will look at the possibility of carrying out awareness campaigns for KEJARA.

The Ministry of Transport Malaysia started the implementation of KEJARA on 15th April.